Finally, my exam is over. Hooray! MERDEKA!!! After finished my exam on 23 April 2009, I went for Malacca trip together with Shuk Fong (SF), Brooke, Vivi, Ivan and Donald. SF and also Brooke drive with Vivi and me following SF while Ivan and Donald followed Brooke. Praise the Lord for bring us safely to Malacca. It's my fourth time going to Malacca and the second time leading the way to Malacca. The first time I ever lead someone to Malacca was bringing my friend's parents and her brother for medical check up at one of the private hospital there. My friend are from Indonesia, she is not free when the time they came. So, I bring them there, faith. I don't know the way but I am praying hard for God to lead the way. Praise The Lord we are able to make it to that place without even getting lost.
The first time I went there, I get to visit the historical place but never had the chance to visit Jonker Street. This time we overnight one night there.
We went to a restaurant introduced by Ah Xian to eat Malacca Famous Chicken Ball Rice...Yums
Famous Beca in Malacca
Well, appart from visiting Malacca, I learned something throughout this journey. God is always good, no matter where I go, He is always there and He always speak to me. It was night time in Malacca, me and SF went our way while Brooke bring Vivi, Ivan and Donald to visit the historical places there since it's their first time visiting that place. Malacca have a very weird road, where every where there's only one way, if you're not familiar with the place, you will surely need to make a big turn to get to the right place. Me and SF plan to walk to find the famous Satay Celup to eat. That place is called 'Capitol'. It's being advertised in one of the Food Programe named 'Ho Chak'.
We walked liked 2 hours by feet to find the right place. Went through few satay celup stall but it's not the right one. We never give up although my feet are tired and painful. We end up going back to get the car and another one mor hour of driving to find Capitol. I prayed that we will find this place. We almost give up but I told SF, lets give a last try and then we found the place.
We reached there by 9.30. That place is so famous that you can see people queuing up to wait or their turn to eat. When we arrived there, there are 4-5 group of people queuing up in front of us. Best of all, I met a very good friend of mine, Wai Choon and also his girlfriend. Wow, the world is so small, even we can meet in Malacca. It's almost their turn, cause the next one totake place is them. He saw me and asked me and SF to join in their table. He told me he waited like 30 minutes already. He even treated us the meal. Praise the Lord for blessings. YAY!
Well, it reminded me that life's journey is never easy and it's tough. But as long as you continue to walk this tough journey, God will guide you, same as what He says in Proverbs 3:5-6 Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding, in all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your path. Indeed God not only guide us to the right place, He also blessed us with free meals. God will surely bless us as long as we trust in Him in everything.
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